Thursday, 19 August 2021

Juve Award 2021: Orth Kluth nominated as "Law Firm of the Year for Regulated Industries".

Orth Kluth has been nominated for the Juve Award 2021 as "Law Firm of the Year for Regulated Industries". The team of the practice group around equity partner Dr Anselm Grün, Berlin, and Dr Michael Sitsen, Düsseldorf, is very pleased about the nomination.

Their expertise in the transport sector in the area of classic regulation, but also new forms of mobility including digitalisation, is positively perceived in the market. The focus of the advice is on legal issues of the transport transition, electromobility and alternative mobility providers as well as classic public transport, regional rail transport and rail freight transport.

„Mit dem praxisgruppenübergreifenden Ansatz im Team „Mobility“ bieten wir den Mandanten eine umfassende Full Service-Beratung“, so Dr. Anselm Grün. Das Team Mobility berät neben regulatorischen und vergaberechtlichen Fragestellungen zusammen mit den Orth Kluth-Anwältinnen und Anwälten aus den Bereichen Arbeitsrecht, Commercial, Corporate, Datenschutz und IT-Recht sowie Finanzierung.

The final winners of all categories will be announced at the juve awards gala on 28 October.