Wednesday, 15 February 2017

Internationale Wirtschaftsverträge, 2.A. by Ostendorf/Kluth - A review by Prof. Dr. Friedrich Graf von Westphalen

Fundstelle: IWRZ 2017, 47

"This book is a real treasure trove for the lawyer working in international commercial law."

"(...) in addition to special types of contracts - such as supply contracts (Ostendorf/Sauthoff), distribution contracts (Ostendorf), the industrial plant contract (Klaft) and, above all, the licence and know-how contract (Mels/Blask) are also presented in detail, but the reader is also offered the software licence contract (Mels/Lischeck) and the field of pre-contractual agreements (Meyer)."

"To provide a very detailed overview of numerous clauses that usually occur in international commercial contracts - irrespective of the individual contract type. The special feature then is that comparative law material is also offered, because it is by no means always to be expected that international commercial contracts can be subjected to German law."

"the well-founded explanations, especially by Ostendorf, are very helpful, for example, contractual penalties, lump sums for damages, limitation of liability and indemnity against liability, but also force majeure clauses (edited by Grün/Steffens) and - meritoriously - insurance clauses (Böckmann/Teichler). (...) A separate chapter on export controls (Mehle) and cartel law (Grün/Hennig) rounds off the presentation."

"It is a very worthwhile book, written from a knowledgeable point of view, which opens up valuable insights for practitioners and helps to broaden their view."

Patrick Ostendorf / Peter Kluth,
International Commercial Contracts,
Munich (Verlag C. H. BECK), 2nd ed. 2017, ISBN: 978-3-406-69357-1, 159 euros.

Dr. Kai-Michael König
T +49 211 60035-220